How Can I Help?
Are you a parent?
Haven’t decided on a guardian? No problem, let’s work through a plan together. It can be very difficult to decide who to appoint. Let me help you work through the options.
Business owner?
How to plan for the “what ifs” should not be keeping you up at night. Let me help you put together a comprehensive estate plan so that you can focus on growing your business.
Has it been a while since you last looked at your Will or Powers of Attorney? Let’s revisit your estate plan to make sure your wishes are up-to-date, in the comfort of your own home.
Have you recently lost someone?
I can assist with applying for probate and provide advice to an executor of an estate. If you are feeling overwhelmed by next steps, let's discuss options in the comfort of your own home.
Are you in conflict with others?
Do you have a loved one who is unable to manage their finances? Are you in a dispute with others regarding an estate? Send me an email.
Not sure where to start?
Have you been putting off making a Will or Powers of Attorney because you are unsure of the process? Please send me an email and we can discuss your options.